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Health Gig

Oct 31, 2022

Bright Bold & Real has produced a special community series - Mindful Community Collective, MC² - to refresh and heal. This guided meditation is perfect to rest your mind and give your week a sense of calm, grace, and flexibility. Consider this time an oasis for your mind and soul.

Oct 26, 2022

Jonathan Foust joins Tricia and Doro to share insight on awakening the intuitive voice within ourselves. Through various teaching techniques and years of experience, Jonathan educates us on the links between mindfulness and opening yourself to intuition. We also learn there are many paths to finding your individual...

Oct 24, 2022

Bright Bold & Real has produced a special community series - Mindful Community Collective, MC² - to refresh and heal. This guided meditation is perfect to rest your mind and give your week a sense of calm, grace, and flexibility. Consider this time an oasis for your mind and soul.

Oct 19, 2022

Rob Scheer joins Health Gig to talk about his life growing up in foster care, and how it lead to him founding Comfort Cases. Youth in foster care often have only a trash bag of items, and Comfort Cases aims to prevent that feeling of neglect and disposability. From toothbrushes to stuffies, Comfort Cases provides cases...

Oct 17, 2022

Bright Bold & Real has produced a special community series - Mindful Community Collective, MC² - to refresh and heal. This guided meditation is perfect to rest your mind and give your week a sense of calm, grace, and flexibility. Consider this time an oasis for your mind and soul.