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Health Gig

Aug 30, 2021

The Bright Bold & Real has produced a special community series - Mindful Community Collective, MC² - to refresh and heal. This guided meditation is perfect to give your mind a rest and give your week a sense of calm, grace, and flexibility. Consider this time an oasis for your mind and soul.

Aug 25, 2021

On this week’s episode of Health Gig, we speak to Philip Bergman, the founder of MindBody Fitness. We talk about how to make your daily routine healthier, from when to eat, how to make your workplace healthier, and the long-term health impact.

Aug 23, 2021

The Bright Bold & Real has produced a special community series - Mindful Community Collective, MC² - to refresh and heal. This guided meditation is perfect to give your mind a rest and give your week a sense of calm, grace, and flexibility. Consider this time an oasis for your mind and soul.

Aug 18, 2021

On this episode of Health Gig, we meet Simone Jardim, the world’s number one ranked player in Pickleball. We talk to her about how she got into the sport, how she became the number one player in the world, and where she sees the sport going.

Aug 16, 2021

The Bright Bold & Real has produced a special community series - Mindful Community Collective, MC² - to refresh and heal. This guided meditation is perfect to give your mind a rest and give your week a sense of calm, grace, and flexibility. Consider this time an oasis for your mind and soul.